27 June 2012

Whoa, it's been a year

I'm a little surprised that it's been so long - I was pretty sure I posted back in February or something, but evidently not. Today the topic is... talking. Have you ever had that friend that talks all the time, but you're pretty sure they haven't ever said anything worth anything? It's just their opinions and their experiences, which is fine, but they never ask questions and/or remain superficial? You might accuse these people of pride and self-centeredness, but I think it's something else: Loneliness and extremely awkward shyness. It's very difficult to really get to know these people. Their very attitude, while seemingly open, denies deeper thoughts and deeper questions. The fact that they don't seem to be giving much of a darn about you, not really, is like a death knell. Not to say they're not friendly. They're often horrifyingly friendly. In fact, you may even be aware that if you go from "friendly" to "friend," it's a lot weirder. Their attitude seems to be: "I put it all out for you (even stuff you may not want), and I expect the same from you!" They ask the uncomfortable questions, like why your grandmother no longer has a foot. Boundaries are nothing. Talking. It's overrated.

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